"...so you have embarked upon THE crusade. Your very stirring Message made quite an issue in this household.

"The title of your group is quite apropos, the title of the publication · has a wealth of meaning. Your purpose is, of course, forempat, and I'm sure I am one of many who wish it bounâless success. but, unfortunately, there is a 'but', the immediate thought is 'are they ready for it yet?' to doubt this has been hashed over in many executive sessions before your group teck the step tomura publication. Though I was never one to take an ostrich view of things, still I must hesitate when such things as our way of life get down to a black and white state of things in print yet! Though your little mag is one of a few on the subject, still doubts do present themselves at least to this one.

"At any rate, put me on the list

I just for what it's worth.

And may

the next rúng of The Ladder be a large step in the progress of your undertaking".


T.F., Seattle, ash.


"Thank you for Volume 1, Number 1

of The Ladder. It is a welcome addition to our library and we are interested in receiving all subsequent issues."

Paul H. Gebhard, Exec. Dir. Institute for Sex Research

Indiana University

Bloomington, Indiana